Welsh Women’s Aid
Annual Impact Report

Chair and CEO foreword

Our movement in Wales spans four decades of delivering specialist services that provide live-saving and life changing support every day for survivors of abuse. Specialist services stand alongside survivors to meet their needs, advocate for their rights and entitlements, and provide a voice for those who are most marginalised or face multiple disadvantages, so that they can better access services or get help in local communities.

This annual impact report draws on the experiences of a number of survivors working with Welsh Women's Aid and our members. We want to acknowledge their courage and resilience and ensure their voices are central to all the work we do. We have included a range of stories to highlight the experiences of survivors and to demonstrate that violence against women impacts all aspects of society.

If you, like us, are committed to achieving change that lasts for survivors, to create a society which no longer tolerates violence against women and girls, and to achieve a world in which women and girls can reach their full potential, join our movement in Wales... continue

Eleri Butler, CEO
Charlie Arthur, Chair of the Board of Trustees
Welsh Women’s Aid

Browse through the community in 2016/17 by clicking on the dots

Thank you

List of members