Good Practice on delivering Whole Education Approaches to Preventing Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence
Welsh Women’s Aid has been asked by the Welsh Government to develop a Good Practice Guide on a Whole Education Approach to violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence, which will support the Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (Wales) Act 2015.
To inform this guide, Welsh Women’s Aid is gathering examples of emerging or good practice on each element of what’s needed to deliver a whole education approach, either from within Wales or from further afield.
The key aims required from the Good Practice Guide are to:
- Provide a practical guide for schools and Higher Education/Further Education establishments on how to develop and successfully deliver a whole education approach to promoting gender equality and respect and challenging violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence;
- Outline the rationale for and key elements of the whole education approach; and
- Identify examples of effective practice already being delivered in Wales and beyond, with reference to specific case studies.
We want to hear from you if you:
- Attend school, college or university, if you work in education or specialist services, or if you coordinate or fund services locally; and
- You know of, deliver, or have experience of, good practice in education on this issue, that others can learn from.
For the purposes of this guide, we define the term Whole Education Approach as:
‘Whole-school approaches seek to strategically connect the key components of the school, which will increase the likelihood of prevention becoming embedded across the institution. A whole-school approach can be understood as working across the school community – with students, school staff, parents and the wider community, as well as integrating a focus on violence against women and girls across the school.’(AVA Digital Prevention Platform, ) We are also including Further Education and Higher Education within, extending the definition above into a whole education approach.
We would be grateful if you could please take a moment to answer the consultation questions.
Please follow this link to take part in the consultation:
This consultation will close on the 15th of May 2015.
If you have any comments or questions about this consultation, please contact Tina Reece at Welsh Women’s Aid on or 02920 541 551.