Event News

16 Days
Plans are underway for this year’s 16 Days of Action Against Gender Violence. We are co-ordinating actions and activities around Wales, so if you would like us to promote your events on the 16 Days website, please let us know.
Light a Candle – Welsh Women’s Aid & BAWSO’s annual Light a Candle service will take place this year at 11am in Llandaff Cathedral on 25th November (White Ribbon Day). There will be a march to the cathedral beforehand, leaving at 10am from the BAWSO offices on Cathedral Road.

WANTED! Survivors Stories and ideas for service user involvement activities
As part of our engagement and participation project WWA is looking for 16 women to share their stories for an eBook that Sally Hughes, our Engagement and Participation Officer, is putting together for the 16 days of activism in November. Do you know any women who would be willing to share a positive story of survival and hope? If so, please pass on Sally’s contact details, tel: 029 20 541 551 / email: sallyhughes@welshwomensaid.org.uk or tweet. Sally is also putting together a ‘toolkit’ for members which will contain 16 fun and friendly activities to do with service users that enable them to share their views. Do you have any activities that you currently use and would like to share? Get in contact if you do!

WWA Black Tie Gala
Save the Date! – Our annual Black Tie Gala will take place on 27th March 2015 at Mercure Holland House, Cardiff. We will be sending invitations out shortly.
If you have any questions regarding any of our events or if you would like us to promote an event you’re holding, please send an e-mail to Meg Kissack, Campaign & Events Officer – megkissack@welshwomensaid.org.uk