Welsh Women’s Aid are concerned about the UK Government’s scheme to release prisoners after serving 40% of their sentence in order to tackle the overcrowdings in prisons. This policy poses serious risks, particularly for survivors who are already facing a lack of communication within the criminal justice system.
Survivors are already facing a lack of communication when dealing with the criminal justice system. Many survivors are often left in the dark about key decisions and developments in their case, resulting in frustration, anxiety and feeling let down by the system. The early release of prisoners, at a time where HM Inspectorate of Probation are already stretched, leaves the risk that many survivors may not be told when their perpetrator is considered under part of this scheme.
In addition to these communication issues, the probation services, which are responsible for monitoring released offenders, are in a state of crisis. Alarmingly, most Probation Delivery Units were classified as “inadequate,” in 23/24, the lowest possible rating. In the same report, only 3 services were sufficient in assessing risk of serious harm. This demonstrates a strain on probation services, raising concerns about their ability to adequately supervise offenders, mitigate risk and safeguard survivors.
Welsh Women’s Aid is urging the government to carefully reconsider this policy and prioritise the safety and wellbeing of survivors. The early release of prisoners could have devastating consequences for survivors of violence against women and girls.
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For more information, please contact Stephanie Grimshaw, Head of Public Affairs and Communications on [email protected]