Statement on the Welsh Government Draft Budget 2025-26

Welsh Women’s Aid welcomes the Welsh Government’s 2024-25 draft budget and the commitment it demonstrates towards tackling Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse, and Sexual Violence (VAWDASV). However, it is still vital that VAWDASV services are provided with the support needed in order to make lasting and sustainable change. This budget marks a step forward in ensuring that survivors across Wales have access to life-saving services and pathways to safety.  

The increased funding allocated to support VAWDASV services, the third sector, and housing reflects a vital acknowledgment of the challenges faced by survivors and the need for sustainable investment in prevention, protection, and support 

‘An increase of £1.2m to support the delivery of the Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence strategy to provide victims with support and advice across all areas of Wales through regional grant funding’ 

We are encouraged by the £1.2 million additional funding to support the delivery of the VAWDASV Strategy, ensuring survivors across Wales have access to support and advice through enhanced regional grant funding. Unfortunately, this is also within the wake of a 4.2% cut in funding for frontline survivor support services from the UK Government. It is vital that these services are protected if their pledge of halving violence against women and girls is to succeed. 

We are awaiting further details on how this cut will affect support services involved in VAWDASV work. We need meaningful and sustainable investment to be able to support survivors in a way that is trauma informed, strengths based, and needs led. 

‘Additional capital funding of £3m to the Social Justice MEG is being invested in digital inclusion, tackling food poverty, violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual abuse capital grants and the Communities Facilities Programme.’ We are encouraged by the increased investment and look forward to collaborating with the Welsh Government and other stakeholders to ensure that this funding is effectively utilised to create a Wales free from violence against women, where survivors are supported, and prevention remains at the heart of policy and practice.  

The VAWDASV sector is still experiencing increased costs as a result of inflation, the cost-of-living crisis, and now an increase in national insurance contributions. The Welsh Government must take steps to ensure that organisations that support survivors are not left facing impossible decisions.  

You can read the full budget breakdown here: 

For further details on the challenges faced by the sector, Welsh Women’s Aid have just published the State of the Sector report: 

Anyone experiencing violence against women, domestic abuse or sexual violence, or abuse, or those concerned about somebody at risk – support is available to you now. 

Live Fear Free is a confidential and independent helpline that can provide advice and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call 0808 80 10 800, text  07860077333 or email [email protected]. You can also access the Live Fear Free Helpline online chat by heading to: 

For more information, please contact Stephanie Grimshaw, Head of Public Affairs and Communications on [email protected]