Veronica D’Errico Blog for International Youth Day 2019

Today (12th August 2019) marks International Youth Day, an international awareness day developed by the United Nations. This year’s theme is “Transforming Education” which the United Nations believes highlights the efforts to make education more relevant, equitable and inclusive for all youth, working towards goal 4 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals – to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”

Currently at Welsh Women’s Aid we are fortunate enough to have Veronica D’Errico interning with us for two months. Veronica is 20 years old and from Italy, and is going to spend her time at Welsh Women’s Aid working with the Public Affairs and Communications team. We have asked Veronica about her views on education and it’s importance to the work we do.

What are your views on education as a human right?

Education is absolutely essential to everybody, but unfortunately in many parts of the world it still isn’t accessible to everyone.

Education should be free, of high quality and available for every person from nursery to upper secondary school.

For me, education is something that people should value and appreciate. I believe this because it helps people enrich, learn, develop and grow and allows people to become more open-minded. The more curious a person is, the more learning would be easy.

What are your views on education on healthy relationships and consent being taught in schools?

Children must be educated on healthy relationships and consent because it is incredibly important. By informing and raising awareness, children will be able to enter more healthy and positive relationships. They will know how to give consent and what consent doesn’t look like, whilst encouraging others to become educated and safe around these topics.

When thinking about what age is best to start learning about health relationships and consent, I believe that primary school is the best age to start raising awareness.

I think people should know more and more about violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence as it is something which is prevalent worldwide.

What have you learnt during your internship at Welsh Women’s Aid?

During this internship at Welsh Women’s Aid I’m learning a lot of new skills, especially as there isn’t the same third sector as such in Italy.

In this month I’ve learnt about violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence and what coercive control is, and also the work that this national organisation does to prevent and help eradicate this.

I will take all of my new skills and learning from this internship and continue to raise awareness in Italy, sharing information with my friends and family but especially with anyone who may need help and support.

Please note: If you, or anybody you know is experiencing any form of abuse please contact the Live Fear Free Helpline:

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