In 2020, the All-Wales Operational Group on Sexually Exploited women was formed. The group aims to advocate for all survivors of adult sexual exploitation; however, we are intentional about using gendered language as we recognise that adult sexual exploitation is overwhelmingly experienced by women.
The group is fortunate to have a diverse membership and places the expertise of survivors with lived experience and the services that support them at the heart of the work that we do.
Membership of the group includes National and Regional Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (VAWDASV) Advisers, representatives from Police services across Wales, the Probation Service, as well as statutory and third sector specialist services who directly support survivors of adult sexual exploitation (ASE).
The group are dedicated to working collaboratively to advocate for wider recognition of adult sexual exploitation and investment in trauma-informed services for all survivors of this form of abuse.
Principles of the Operational Group:
- Focusing on an intersectional, trauma-informed and person-centred approach.
- The sexual exploitation of adults is a form of gender-based violence that is rooted in gender and structural inequality, as well as socio-economic factors such as poverty and homelessness.
- Adult sexual exploitation should be defined in law within the UK and must form part of the policies and strategies implemented to tackle VAWDASV.
- No woman should be criminalised for experiencing sexual exploitation.
- Acknowledging the link between child sexual exploitation and adult sexual exploitation – exploitation does not become consent when someone turns 18.
Work of the group:
The group is committed to raising awareness, informing public policy and sharing good practice.
Since its formation the group have had several key achievements:
- The group has hosted two learning events, focusing on survivors’ experiences of adult sexual exploitation in Wales.
- The group have presented to the Senedd’s’ Cross-Party Group on Violence Against Women and Girls to discuss a whole system approach to addressing adult sexual exploitation.
- In 2022, sexual exploitation was included in the National Welsh VAWDASV Strategy for the first time.
- Adult Sexual Exploitation has been included in several regional VAWDASV Strategies, with consultation from the operational group.
- In 2023, the All-Wales Operational group published a report examining what data agencies collect regarding child and adult sexual exploitation in Wales and how survivors are assessed and directed to support.
- The group published a response to the National Police Chiefs’ Councils’ updated guidance on sex work.
- Representatives from the group attended a panel with delegates from the VAWDASV Sector in Australia, to share learning, good practice, and the work of the group.
If you would like to know more about the work of the group, please send us a message using the contact form below: