16 Days of Activism Challenge

Imagine a world where women are safe in their homes and on our streets, living without fear.

Sadly, when you switch on the news, you’re more likely to hear that another woman has been killed or abused. This year, at least 115 UK women have been killed by men. At least 8 of these women were in Wales. For every 3 women you know, 1 will experience violence in their lifetime. Does this make you feel as angry as it makes us?

You’re here because you know that violence against women is preventable and needs to stop. Welsh Women’s Aid sits at the heart of the response to violence against women in Wales. But your help and action are needed too – now more than ever.

You can help by taking part in the 16 Days of Activism Challenge and raising £60.00 between 25th November and 10th December 2021. Focus on ‘16’ by taking on a physical, creative, funny, or awareness-raising activity of your choice for the 16 days.