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You can access support through our direct email service: info@livefearfreehelpline.wales
Talk to someone confidentially using the Live Fear Free live chat service
Live chat is available 24 hours.
We can support you in Welsh, English and any other languages using LanguageLine.
Text phone users can contact us via Type Talk on 18001 0808 80 10 800
You can contact the Live Fear Free Helpline by text 24/7 on 07860 077333
You are not alone. Everyone has the right to be safe and to live free from fear.
If you have experienced domestic abuse, sexual violence and/or violence against women, or are worried about a friend or relative who is experiencing any form of violence or abuse, you can call us – it’s free, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Callers are guaranteed a friendly, supportive and understanding response by our experienced team, who can discuss your concerns and provide help, support and information. We won’t judge you, or blame you and you don’t have to be ready to take any action.
Call us if:
- you need to talk about current or past experiences of abuse
- you feel frightened and controlled by your partner
- you are being stalked or harassed and don’t know what to do
- you feel unsafe, pressured or frightened
- you have been, or feel you might be at risk of being, forced into a marriage against your will
- you need to leave an abusive relationship and need access to safe, emergency accommodation across Wales and the UK
- you are thinking of leaving the sex industry and need help and support
- you are being accused by family or the wider community of bringing ‘shame’ or ‘dishonour’ on individuals, the family or wider community
- you have been given money, drugs, gifts or somewhere to stay and are then pressured into having sex or doing things you don’t want to do
- you feel isolated and frightened and would like to talk about your concerns and explore what options are available
We can listen, provide help and support, and give you information on a range of options and services in your area, designed to help meet your needs, including:
- Emergency Accommodation
- Counselling
- Local support services
- Welfare and Benefits Rights
- Housing Issues
- Legal Issues
- Child Welfare
- Perpetrator Programmes
- Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs)
Calls to the helpline will not show up on landline phone bills.
All calls are confidential. If it is necessary to share information with other agencies, this would only be done with your full consent. The exceptions to this are if your life was in immediate danger or if there was a child at risk. In these circumstances, the authorities would be informed to ensure the safety and well-being of you and your children.
We are here to listen
Promotional materials
Welsh Women’s Aid can supply you and your organisation with promotional items for the Live Fear Free Helpline. These materials help raise awareness of the helpline which provides vital information and support to survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence and violence against women.
Click here to order a sample box of Live Fear Free materials.

The Live Fear Free Helpline has been awarded the nationally recognised quality standard which defines and accredits best practice in helpline work for the third time.