Welsh Women’s Aid is the national charity in Wales working to end violence against women and girls in all its forms.
We are a federation of specialist organisations in Wales that provide lifesaving services to survivors of violence and abuse and deliver a range of innovative preventative services in local communities.
Our success is founded on making sure the experiences and needs of survivors are central to all we do.

We have been at the forefront of shaping coordinated community responses and practice in Wales since we were established in 1978. We do this by campaigning for change and providing advice, consultancy, support and training to deliver policy and service improvements for survivors, families and communities.
We deliver services including the Live Fear Free Helpline funded by Welsh Government, and a National Training Service.
We also deliver the Wales National Quality Service Standards (NQSS), a national accreditation framework for domestic abuse specialist services in Wales (supported by the Welsh Government) and the Change That Lasts project; a strengths-based, needs led approach that supports survivors of all forms of violence against women, and their children, to build resilience, and leads to independence.