Ask Me project

We currently offer Ask Me training in South Wales.

Our next face-to-face course is TBC.

Our next online course is:

  • Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th April 2025 (10am-1pm both days)

To register you must be 18 or over and live, study, work or volunteer in Wales.

Interested in joining Ask Me?


Communities are often the first to know about violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence however the way we respond isn’t always helpful. The Ask Me scheme wants to change that.

We want to help end abuse by supporting communities to give a better response to survivors but also to be proactive in finding ways to challenge unhelpful myths, attitudes and stereotypes that enable and normalise abuse.

We do this by providing free training and ongoing support that helps community members to start conversations about abuse, know where help is available, share their knowledge with others and to know how to respond to anyone who shares their experiences of abuse.

After the course, community members are free to spend as much or as little time on activism around this, all we ask is that they fill in a short questionnaire once a month to let us know what they’ve been up to. To register for a course you need to be 18 or over and live, study, work or volunteer in a funded area (see “Who is eligible?” below). Please note, we cannot accept applications from outside Wales.

To read about Franca’s experience of being part of the Ask Me scheme, click below:


Franca’s experience of being part of the Ask Me scheme

Frequently Asked Questions

Funded by South Wales Police Crime Commissioner