Membership benefits

Together, you, our members, form a Wales-wide federation of specialist services that work as part of a UK-wide Women’s Aid network of provision. Combined, we provide a strong collective voice on the issues that concern us most in our work to end domestic abuse and all forms of violence against women.

Benefits of Full Membership of Welsh Women’s Aid include:

  • Opportunities to input into regional, national and international policy-making developments. Opportunities include:
    • Regular regional and national member services’ meetings to gather feedback on relevant policy, legislative, and strategy issues.
    • Themed task and finish group meetings to gather evidence and feedback to inform Welsh Government (e.g. on funding issues, where we are working to inform the development of a model for sustainable funding for specialist services).
  • Updates and newsletters providing information on our work, on sector-relevant policy and research, toolkits and guidance.
  • Opportunities to input into national and international campaigns, informed by the experience and needs of our specialist services and survivors, and access to campaigns networks and materials.
  • Advice and information on the provision of specialist services and merging best practice in the sector, including support to profile your service delivery nationally.
  • The opportunity to contribute to the development and delivery of ‘Change that Lasts’ model for early intervention to address violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence.
  • Practical information and support on Human Resources and business development issues, from Welsh Women’s Aid HR and Business Development leads with access to further support at a discounted consultancy rate.
  • Access to out of hours cover and diversion of calls, to the Wales Live Fear Free Helpline, funded by Welsh Government and delivered by Welsh Women’s Aid.
  • Recognition as a Full Member in accordance with our Memorandum and Articles of Association and voting rights at our Annual General Meeting; a minimum of 4 places on our Board of Trustees are reserved for Full Members.
  • One-to-one advice and support on policy and practice guidance and access to support, to help build the capacity and sustainability of your services.
  • The opportunity to join Welsh Women’s Aid in a national coordinated partnership to deliver services, as and when opportunities arise and subject to the needs of our members and survivors (e.g. National Training Service).
  • Eligibility to apply for national accreditation as a Welsh Women’s Aid member, through the Wales National Quality Service Standards (NQSS) for specialist services.
  • Opportunity to contribute to the revision of Welsh Women’s Aid 3-year strategic business plan and annual priorities for action.
  • Financial benefits through group discounts negotiated for members e.g. insurance (Specialist Refuge Insurance Policy is available to our members through DE Ford Insurance Brokers which includes access to a dedicated Health & Safety website and free telephone advice) and online case management and data recording systems (e.g. OASIS).
  • A network for CEOs/Directors to share ideas and practice on work related to governance, strategic development and partnership working, supported by the CEO of Welsh Women’s Aid.
  • Access to regional and national data analysis reports to support local needs assessments, strategy and commissioning developments, business development and fundraising.
  • Discounted access to specialist and accredited training.
  • Free and discounted access, with priority booking to a programme of seminars, webinars and events, and the opportunity to support national communications plans.
  • Use of the Welsh Women’s Aid logo (for full members only) to demonstrate your affiliation to Welsh Women’s Aid.

Membership is renewable on an annual basis.

Charity Job Finder – Offer for Members

Welsh Women’s Aid are pleased to announce a partnership with Charity Job Finder to coincide with the relaunch of our new national website which will host a dedicated recruitment section for jobs within violence against women and domestic abuse charities in Wales and the Welsh Third Sector as a whole.

Charity Job Finder is an online-only jobs platform for the Third Sector in Wales. It is desktop, mobile, and tablet friendly meaning jobs are easy to view and can be accessed on all devices. Charity Job Finder uses social media to target individuals by age, sex and, demographic, ensuring the right applicants are tailored to your jobs. It reaches over 30,000 people in Wales per week through Facebook, receives over 14,000 impressions per week through Twitter, and is optimised through all other social media platforms. Charity Job Finder currently has over 2000 individuals signed up to job alerts direct to their inboxes and benefits from continuous promotion through the Android platform.

Welsh Women’s Aid can offer our members a special discounted rate of only £135* per position (usually £150) to advertise on the Charity Job Finder platform that links with WWA website. Costs are reduced for multiple roles, and jobs will stay live on both sites for as long as is needed.

For a discussion about how Charity Job Finder can help you contact either Matt Bates on or on 07771 920370 or or on 07557 132390.


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