No Grey Area Survey Report

New survey data published on International Women’s Day 2021 (08.03.21) by Welsh Women’s Aid shows that four out of five women in Wales have experienced some form of sexual harassment at work.

The vast majority of women who responded to the survey experienced harassment on more than one occasion and from more than one person in their workplace.

Over 200 women. from across Wales responded to the survey. The summary report, ‘No Grey Area. Experiences of Workplace Sexual Harassment (2021)’, is here: No Grey Area – Survey Report – ENG


Mae data arolwg newydd a gyhoeddwyd ar Ddiwrnod Rhyngwladol y Menywod 2021 (08.03.21) gan Cymorth i Ferched Cymru yn dangos fod pedair o bob pum menyw yng Nghymru wedi profi rhyw fath o aflonyddu rhywiol yn y gweithle.

Profodd mwyafrif llethol y menywod a ymatebodd i’r arolwg aflonyddu ar fwy nag un achlysur a chan fwy nag un person yn eu gweithle.

Ymatebodd dros 200 o fenywod ledled Cymru i’r arolwg.

No Grey Area – Survey Report – CYM