Category: Newyddion

Day 12: Welsh Women’s Aid, A Day in the Life (Engagement & Capacity Officer, Sabine Ingeborg)

Welsh Women’s Aid: A Day in the Life Engagement and Capacity Officer Sabine Ingeborg My role supports and builds the capacity of our member services, 27 local charities which provide frontline domestic abuse services for women children and families across Wales. I am in regular contact with them and hold monthly visits to provide specific […]

Stories of Hope and Survival: Day 11

I met Will in the Spring of 2006, I was 29.  He was friends with a group of lads that I’d known from school and I’d often see Will if I was out on the town with my friends.  One night, I bumped into him in a nightclub, he appeared to be alone, and he […]

Stories of Hope & Survival: Day Nine

I was 20 when I met my future husband, he was 39 and charming beyond belief. He promised me the earth, moon and stars, instead I got eight years of physical, mental and sexual violence. The first time he hit me I was pregnant with the first of three children, being scared and afraid to […]

Day 7: Welsh Women’s Aid, A Day in the Life (Alison Hamlington, Wrexham Domestic Abuse Service Delivery Manager)

Welsh Women’s Aid: A Day in the Life Wrexham Domestic Abuse Service Delivery Manager  Alison Hamlington I manage Welsh Women’s Aid’s domestic abuse service in Wrexham County Borough. We offer a One Stop Shop for survivors which includes our own drop in service, Independent Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA) service and partner agencies who come in […]

Stories of Hope & Survival: Day 7

For the last 6 years I have been trying to rebuild my life after leaving a relationship that left me half dead. It took me several attempts to finally make the break with the help of Women’s Aid. I eventually found the courage and strength I needed to leave, and never go back. I wish […]

Day 6: Welsh Women’s Aid, A Day in the Life (Sally Hughes, Engagment & Participation Officer)

Welsh Women’s Aid: A Day in the Life Engagement and Participation Officer Sally Hughes My role aims to increase participation opportunities for women and children and young people to take part in policy-making or government decision-making, service planning delivery and awareness raising. The goal is to ensure that women, children and young people who have […]

Stories of Hope & Survival: Day Six

12 years ago I was living at home, a hard working legal secretary and a social butterfly.  Today, I am a single mum, a survivor and advocate for others. I wasn’t brought up in a “troubled family”, I was loved, cared for and cherished.  I wasn’t abused as a child, I didn’t witness abuse, I […]

Stories of Hope and Survival: Day Five

In this battle for life, it is easy for fear, despair, despondency, discouragement and depression to creep in and take control. But no matter how great the fear, how physical or emotional pain or how long the suffering, the price we have to pay or how deep the wound, how dark long and lonely the […]

Cardiff Womens Aid has vacancies on the Board of Trustees

Would you like to be involved in supporting the governance and strategic development of the organisation. We are particularly looking for people with backgrounds in finance, HR, business and GP’s. The role is voluntary (we do pay out of pocket expenses) and will require attendance at four board meeting per year, and attendance at sub […]

Stories of Hope and Survival: Day Four

Hello, my name is Rachel and I was a victim of domestic abuse. My story starts back in 1993 when I fell for Darren, he was charming and funny, with a dry sense of humour, he made me laugh. We soon became close and after a year I fell pregnant with our son. I already […]