As part of Welsh Women’s Aid’s Change That Lasts model, our Whole System, Societal Approach towards ending VAWDASV, and Gender Based Violence, we are proud to announce the launch of an innovative early intervention and prevention programme designed specifically for Children and Young People (CYP) in Wales. Named “Ask Me for Children and Young People,” this programme has been co-produced with CYP across Wales, ensuring it reflects their needs and experiences.
The Ask Me programme comprises six modules that can be delivered individually or as a series, providing flexibility to cater to varying needs and preferences. It is not only available within communities but also extends to specialist services, with ongoing training provided to ensure effective implementation.
One of the hallmarks of the Ask Me programme is its dynamic nature—modules are continually reviewed and updated to ensure they remain relevant and responsive to emerging issues and challenges faced and identified by CYP. Through collaboration with community groups such as ITEC Skills, GISDA, Child Friendly Cardiff, NYAS, and YMCA, Welsh Women’s Aid remains deeply embedded in local communities and aims to ensure the programme remains inclusive and reflective of diverse experiences.
The current modules cover a wide range of topics, including healthy relationships, misogyny, bystander intervention, activism, tech-facilitated abuse, and online safety. Additionally, Welsh Women’s Aid remains committed to ongoing development, with plans to introduce modules addressing street harassment, children’s rights, and peer-to-peer abuse.
Co-production has greatly strengthened the effectiveness of the programme and has fostered a sense of ownership and empowerment among CYP. Welsh Women’s Aid recognizes the importance of valuing their voices and perspectives and as a token of appreciation for their involvement, participants receive £20 vouchers—a small gesture that acknowledges their invaluable input.
Welsh Women’s Aid is dedicated to extending the reach of the Ask Me programme, welcoming collaboration with any community group interested in its development and delivery. While the resources are publicly available to all, they are particularly beneficial for schools, aligning with the Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) curriculum and providing valuable insights into critical issues affecting CYP. The programme uses an early intervention and prevention approach, enabling CYP to ask important questions around relationships, consent, misogyny and much more.
Fundamentally, the Ask Me programme embodies Welsh Women’s Aid’s commitment to empowering children and young people (CYP), equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to navigate the complexities of today’s world. Through meaningful collaboration and co-production, we strive to create a safer, more inclusive society where the voices of CYP are heard and respected. Change That Lasts, with its Children and Young People’s interventions, as well as the more established adult interventions, represents an integrated model for all levels and all ages of society. Adoption of the model, by communities and professionals, will equip participants with the tools and knowledge to end Violence Against Women, Domestic Abuse, Sexual Violence, and Gender-based Violence (VAWDASV & GBV), making a Change That Lasts in our society.
For more information about the “Ask Me” programme for children and young people and how to get involved, please visit the Welsh Women’s Aid website. Together, let’s encourage CYP to empower their generation to ask, learn, and create a Change That Lasts.