Category: News

Sexual Violence Awareness Week

–Yashiba Sanil, Communications and Campaigns Officer  TW: Sexual abuse and violence Sexual Violence Awareness Week: 5th – 11th February 2024 Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week provides the opportunity for individuals and organisations to have conversations about these important issues. This year, it takes place from the 5th – 11th February. We thought we […]

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Celebrating St. Dwynwen’s Day: Shedding Light on Sexual Violence Awareness in Wales

–Yashiba Sanil, Communications and Campaigns Officer  Trigger warning: mentions of domestic abuse, sexual violence, sexual assault, abuse, rape, forced marriage, coercive control, mental health. Introduction: On 25th January every year, Wales dedicates a day to celebrate love and resilience. St. Dwynwen’s Day honors the Welsh patron saint of lovers. However, behind the commonly known narrative […]

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16 Days: Art and Activism

Art and activism form an incredible partnership, merging creativity with advocacy to drive meaningful change. Through various mediums, artists spark conversations, challenge norms, and amplify voices for justice, transcending barriers and inspiring empathy.  At Welsh Women’s Aid, we’ve discovered an incredible force in merging art with activism—an alliance that sparks conversations, challenges norms, and ignites […]

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Live Fear Free: The people behind the helpline

The Live Fear Free helpline, managed by Welsh Women’s Aid, provides support for anyone who has experienced, or is experiencing, violence against women, domestic abuse, or sexual violence, or for anyone concerned about a friend or relative. The service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. A team […]

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Approaching VAWDASV Through an Intersectional Lens 

Understanding intersectionality  According to  Kimberlé Crenshaw, intersectionality in the most fundamental sense reflects how sociocultural, economic, and political factors such as race, class, gender, sexuality, and other individual characteristics overlap and influence people differently. The term intersectionality has expanded from this original context to an approach that offers a lens through which we can see […]

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From Suffrage Pioneers to Modern Trailblazers: Welsh Women’s Enduring Legacy of Empowerment

Trigger Warning: Murder, violence against women and girls,   The International Day for Elimination of Violence, marked in calendars on 25th November, signals the beginning of 16 Days of activism ending on 10th December with Human Rights Day. The days are signified as a global unified call to eliminate violence against women and girls around […]

Change That Lasts for Wales, Manifesto 2023

We want a world in which women and children live fear free from domestic abuse, sexual violence and all forms of violence against women, and by doing so achieve independence, freedom and liberation from oppression.  Today we’re launching a manifesto that seeks to prioritise violence against women and girls, domestic abuse and sexual violence (VAWDASV) […]

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Welsh Women’s Aid Statement on recent comments by UK Government Ministers

Welsh Women’s Aid is an intersectional feminist organisation working to eliminate violence against women and girls, domestic abuse, and sexual violence. Our vision is a world in which all individuals live free from all forms of violence, abuse, and oppression.   The recent comments by the Prime minister, Home Secretary and other prominent UK Government […]

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Welsh Women’s Aid Statement on Recent Comments Following Study of Surgeons Experiences.

We were appalled to learn of the findings of recent research into the experiences of registered surgeons in the UK that concluded that almost 63% of women had been the target of sexual harassment from colleagues.   The response in a recent letter to The Times, from a retired anaesthetist regarding new generations of medical staff needing […]

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Write to your MS and Local Councillor – Calls for an exemption for an Act that will break the VAWDASV Refuge System

Following the implementation of The Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 on the 1st of December 2022, we strongly believe that the Act has not benefitted a single survivor. The devastating impact of the Act has caused concerns such as safeguarding risks, administrative burden on refuge provision, the complexity of residents ‘tenancy status’ and the financial […]

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Statement on the Withdrawal of Charges Against Ryan Giggs

Welsh Women’s Aid are extremely disappointed by the decision from the Crown Prosecution Service not to pursue a re-trial to prosecute Ryan Giggs’ for coercive and controlling behaviour and charges of domestic abuse and assault. Women are consistently let down by the legal system, with the latest data from the CPS revealing that only 3.3% […]

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Statement on the Illegal Migration Bill

Welsh Women’s Aid were devastated by the passing of the Illegal Migration Bill last night in the House of Lords. The Bill will now become law once it has undergone royal assent.  This Bill is going to catastrophically impact women and children fleeing to the UK, due to the risk of serious harm and persecution […]

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Pride Month: Stories from the Live Fear Free Helpline

Trigger warning: explicit mentions of violence and abuse Abuse is not just an issue in heterosexual relationships, it exists in every community. The complex and unique experience of many LGBTQ+ people can present additional challenges when accessing support. Survivors of violence or abuse may be hesitant to reach out due fear of judgement, or based […]

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Safer Communities Podcast – How bystanders can help to stop sexual harassment

Hear Sophie Weeks, our previous Head of Public Affairs and Communications, discussing how bystanders can help to stop sexual harassment against women and girls in Episode 7 of the Safer Communities Podcast. Safer Communities Podcast – Wales Safer Communities   If you enjoyed the episode… Like, subscribe, and join in on the discussion via Twitter […]

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Understanding victim blaming and why it’s harmful to survivors

When someone speaks out publicly about personal experiences of violence or abuse, or a high profile case is covered in the media, similar comments and responses come up time and time again. These include; “Well, they should have left the relationship sooner.” “What did they expect, walking home alone at night?” “They probably shouldn’t have […]

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Cardiff Demons partnership for the 2023 season

Cardiff Demons are delighted to have partnered with Welsh Women’s Aid for the 2023 season.  Welsh Women’s Aid is the national charity in Wales working to end domestic abuse and all forms of violence against women. They campaign for and provide advice, support and training on policy and service improvements for survivors, families, and communities.  […]

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