VAW and other news

Research request
Elinor Lloyd, a PhD student at the University of Warwick researching child-animal relationships in violent homes is looking to interview a sample of children/young people who have escaped domestic abuse and would be happy to talk about any relationships or experiences that they have had with pets. If you would like to contribute to this research, please contact or call 07795 490 678.

Exciting Service User Involvement Project at Swansea Women’s Aid “Your Opinion Matters” engages with young people through ‘urban street art!’
Sally Hughes (Engagement and Participation Officer) has been meeting our members to learn more about the different ways they are engaging with service users. Last week she was in Swansea where she learnt about a project funded by the Big Lottery that aims to engage and involve women, young people and children who have experienced or been affected by domestic abuse and want to have a say in influencing public services. It aims to raise awareness of domestic abuse and offers a way for young people who have been affected by domestic abuse in Swansea to have a ‘voice’ and to increase knowledge of local and national domestic abuse issues. There will be regular opportunities to meet other young people, gain confidence, skills and knowledge.

Kay Lemon, ‘Your Opinion Matters Project Worker’, has put together a survey for women, young people and children in the Swansea area. Please do share if you know anyone who would like to get involved. You can find out more about the project by contacting Kay on 01792 512 462 or email If you have a service user involvement project that you wish to share, please contact

Women in Business Day at the BBC
In order to increase the number of women in business who contribute to output on radio, television and online, BBC Wales is holding a free one day introduction to the world of broadcasting to give women an insight into how they work at the BBC, and to help build a network of female contributors.
During the day there will be an opportunity for those selected to experience the practicalities of being interviewed in a radio station and on camera. There will also be an opportunity to meet production teams and other women in business.
Applicants will need to be:
• Female
• Able to speak knowledgeably about their specialist area
• Not already a regular contributor to BBC Cymru Wales output
• Live/work in west or south Wales
• Available on November 21st, 2014 to attend an all-day event in Cardiff

Up to a total of 18 places are available.
If you’d like more information about the event, please contact Catrin Griffith at

Training Opportunity
Multi Agency Front Line Professionals Training Module – “Working with men who experience domestic abuse”
One Day Course: November 19th 2014
While the majority of victims are women, men do experience domestic abuse and need support.  It is often hard for men to get help in these situations because of fears about being ridiculed, or fear of not being believed.
Training content includes:
• Understanding the issues for men who experience domestic abuse
• Barriers to disclosure
• Assessing men on a scale from victim to perpetrator
• How to use the Dyn assessment tool

Venue: Safer Wales, 1st Floor, Castle House, Castle Street, Cardiff, CF10 1BS
Cost:  £95.00
This training will be useful for both managers and frontline professionals wishing to develop their understanding, in relation to providing appropriate responses to male clients experiencing domestic abuse.
See here for further information and to book onto this course.