With help from children and young people across Wales, we have developed some resources to complement our Change That Lasts approach which ensures that you and your needs are at the heart of everything we do. We hope these resources will help you to better understand our work and show you where you can go for help if you ever need it. Remember, any support you receive should always put you and your needs first, and professionals must take the time to find out what is most important to you.
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Have you ever wondered how to stay safe online?
In this section we’ll talk about topics like polarization, online dating, grooming, catfishing, and image-based violence. We’ll also give you tips on how you can take care of yourself while using the internet. Plus, we’ll explore ways yourself and other children and young people can spread the word about these important topics.

Would you like to learn more about relationships?
This section will help you to understand how to have safe, healthy, and happy relationships, and recognize when relationships can turn unhealthy. You will learn about controlling behaviour and how to recognize it, as well as how to set boundaries in relationships. You will be upskilled around consent and the law and how you can get involved in your community to share what you’ve learnt. And of course, we can give you guidance on where to find support if you need it.

Have you heard about misogyny before?
In this section, we’ll be checking out what misogyny is all about and how it’s connected to sexist beliefs and extreme behaviours. We’ll be diving into patriarchy and how it negatively impacts girls, boys, and young people who identify as transgender, non-binary, cisgender, gender fluid, and gender neutral. We’ll also be exploring toxic masculinity and the influential figures that maybe promoting these harmful behaviours among yourself and your peers. Additionally, you will learn about hate crime laws and hopefully this will empower you and your friends to understand your rights and safeguard yourself.

Would you like to make the world a better place?
In this module, we’ll be checking out how you and other young people can team up to make the world you want to live in. We’ll talk about activism and why it’s important for making things better. We’ll look at some cool examples of activism and how you can start by speaking up for change. You will learn your rights when protesting. And we’ll also talk about taking care of yourself whilst being an activist in your community.

Would you like to be able to stand up for others?
You will learn more about bystander intervention in this module. You will be able to recognize problematic behaviour, learn more about the various ways to interrupt, and, most importantly, learn how to be an active bystander. You will also be able to build the skills, techniques, and confidence to intervene when it is safe to do so.

Have you heard of VAWDASV?
In this section, you will learn about Violence Against Women Domestic and Sexual Violence (VAWDASV) and the different ways it happens. We’ll talk about who it affects and who can be responsible for causing harm. We’ll also check out gender stereotypes and how they can be harmful for yourself and other children and young people. We’ll even ask what you think about VAWSASV and how you can make a stand against gender-based harm.
Note to professionals: For quality control purposes, the resources available on this page have been locked to prevent editing however, the “read only” versions are readily available for you to download. If you would like to edit the resources to ensure that they are better suited to meet the needs of your cohort of young people, please contact: CADA@welshwomensaid.org.uk to request the password.