Category: Uncategorized @cy

TSB staff support Welsh Women’s Aid to ‘Do What Matters’

At Welsh Women’s Aid we love working alongside businesses who share our vision of a society which no longer tolerates violence against women and girls.  The brilliant businesses and sole traders that we partner with help us in a variety of ways. Whether it’s by donating profits from sales; arranging a corporate donation; encouraging employees […]

Welsh Women’s Aid Launches “Ask Me” Programme for Children and Young People

As part of Welsh Women’s Aid’s Change That Lasts model,  our Whole System, Societal Approach towards ending VAWDASV, and Gender Based Violence, we are proud to announce the launch of an innovative early intervention and prevention programme designed specifically for Children and Young People (CYP) in Wales. Named “Ask Me for Children and Young People,” […]

General Election Announcement 2024

Yesterday, the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced that the UK would face a General Election on Thursday 4th July. This pivotal event, which is just six weeks away, will give voters the opportunity to have a say in who represents us in the UK parliament.  In the past few years, the tone of political discourse […]

#LiveFearFree20: Celebrating 20 Years of Impact of The Live Fear Free Helpline

–Yashiba Sanil, Communications and Campaigns Officer  For two decades, the Live Fear Free Helpline has been a vital resource for survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence and all forms of violence against women in Wales. The Helpline began as a modest operation with a small team focused solely on addressing domestic abuse. This has today […]

Former Welsh Women’s Aid CEO shares learning from Sabbatical

Former CEO of Welsh Women’s Aid, Eleri Butler, left Wales in February 2020 to lead the Government of Victoria’s response to family violence and deliver on the State Government’s Royal Commission recommendations to transform systems and services for survivors of abuse. As Deputy Secretary and CEO at the Department for Families Fairness and Housing, including […]

State of the Sector 2023-24

Critical investment needed to guarantee support for survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence in Wales    Following a recent visit to the UK, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence against women and girls declared violence against women a “national threat”.  Research published today by Welsh Women’s Aid demonstrates that while rates of violence […]

A Guide to Meaningful Survivor Engagement

Funded by the CAF Covid 19 Emergency Fund, the four Women’s Aid Federations (Welsh Women’s Aid, Scottish Women’s Aid, Women’s Aid Federation Northern Ireland, Women’s Aid Federation of England) and Imkaan (the only UK-based, umbrella women’s organisation dedicated to addressing violence against Black and minoritised women and girls) have been working to create and develop […]

Statement on the Suspension of Rhys ab Owen MS

The allegations against Rhys ab Owen MS are deeply concerning. The Senedd’s Code of Conduct sets a standard that all Members should conduct themselves to. A report by the Standards of Conduct Committee has found that Rhys ab Owen MS has fallen short of these standards. When this standard isn’t upheld there needs to be […]

#HerVerse: Harnessing the Power of Poetry for Change

–Yashiba Sanil, Communications and Campaigns Officer  As we approach International Women’s Day, we are excited to share our poetry campaign: #HerVerse.   In a world where women’s voices have historically been silenced or side-lined, poetry and spoken words have served as powerful tools for social justice, awareness, healing, and empowerment. Through #HerVerse, we aim to amplify […]

VAWG Sector Letter to Chancellor Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP

Welsh Women’s Aid, alongside sector colleagues, sent the following joint letter to Chancellor Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP setting out concerns; these concerns are felt acutely in Wales as well as England.   Ahead of the Spring Budget on 6 March, leading national organisations representing violence against women and girls (VAWG) services in England and […]

Statement on Welsh Government Response to South Wales Fire & Rescue Service Review

Welsh Women’s Aid welcomes the decisive action taken by the Welsh Government in response to the revelations of sexual misconduct and assault within the South Wales Fire and Rescue Service (SWFRS) following an independent investigation. The findings and disclosures of the brave survivors working under this misogynistic culture are deeply concerning. We know there is […]

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Trais Rhywiol

TW: Cam-drin rhywiol a thrais Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Trais Rhywiol: 5ed – 11eg Chwefror 2024 Mae Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth o Gam-drin Rhywiol a Thrais Rhywiol yn rhoi cyfle i unigolion a sefydliadau gynnal sgyrsiau am y materion pwysig hyn. Eleni, fe’i cynhelir rhwng y 5ed a’r 11eg o Chwefror. Roeddem am gymryd eiliad i esbonio ychydig mwy […]

Celebrating St. Dwynwen’s Day: Shedding Light on Sexual Violence Awareness in Wales

–Yashiba Sanil, Communications and Campaigns Officer  Trigger warning: mentions of domestic abuse, sexual violence, sexual assault, abuse, rape, forced marriage, coercive control, mental health. Introduction: On 25th January every year, Wales dedicates a day to celebrate love and resilience. St. Dwynwen’s Day honors the Welsh patron saint of lovers. However, behind the commonly known narrative […]

16 Days: Art and Activism

Art and activism form an incredible partnership, merging creativity with advocacy to drive meaningful change. Through various mediums, artists spark conversations, challenge norms, and amplify voices for justice, transcending barriers and inspiring empathy.  At Welsh Women’s Aid, we’ve discovered an incredible force in merging art with activism—an alliance that sparks conversations, challenges norms, and ignites […]