“Coercive control is a strategic course of conduct designed to dominate a partner through a pattern of physical and sexual coercion, intimidation, exploitation, isolation, regulation and the deprivation of basic rights and liberties … Ironically, as abuse continues and a victim’s entrapment becomes more comprehensive, the service response often becomes more perfunctory.”
(Coercive control; how men entrap women in personal life, Professor Evan Stark)
You are invited to join us for this unique opportunity for Welsh Public Services, Criminal Justice and Third Sector professionals to hear directly from Professor Evan Stark, who conceptualised coercive control and advised the UK Government on its criminalisation.
Professor Stark will be leading this one day seminar, and will be joined by other experts in the field in Wales, to examine how health, social care, housing, police, offender managers, specialist services, and other professionals in Wales should identify and respond to survivors and perpetrators where coercive control is being used in relationships and in families.
That coercive control is now a criminal offence (from 29 December 2015) means this is not only a crime against liberty which reduces women’s ‘space for action’, but also shifts our understanding of injury caused by abuse to harms against personhood, autonomy, liberty and dignity. Understanding coercive control as being central to experiences of domestic abuse is essential if we are to reduce and prevent violence and abuse across all public services, and for all families and communities in Wales.
Please note, this event is free for Welsh Women’s Aid members, South Wales police and the Police and Crime Commissioner of South Wales, and £40 for all other professionals.
This Welsh Women’s Aid seminar is sponsored by the Office of the South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner.